Connaught Branch Library
All Nations Hope Network
And whereas it is just and reasonable, and essential to our Interest and the Security of our Colonies, that the several Nations or Tribes of Indians, with whom We are connected, and who live under our Protection, should not be molested or disturbed in the Possession of such Parts of our Dominions and Territories as, not having been ceded to, or purchased by Us, are reserved to them, or any of them, as their Hunting Grounds…
- Nicolas Flood Davin, "Report on Industrial Schools for Indians and Half-Breeds" (Ottawa, 1879), p. 1
– Duncan Campbell Scott, 1920
Creator: Stacey Fayant
– John A. Macdonald, 1887
- Department of the Interior, "Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the year ended 30th June, 1876" (Ottawa: Maclean, Roger & Co., 1877), p. xiv
All Nations Hope AIDS Network
Rainbow Youth Center
Miyosiwin Salon Spa
Little Memories Child Care and Regina Housing Authority
Indian Métis Christian Fellowship
The Four Directions Community Health Center
- Shannen Koostachin
– Eriel Deranger
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation
Artist: Stacey Fayant